Unser Team and Trainer und Trainerinnen
Trainer, Team

Who is Bewegungskollektiv Berlin?

Clara Lohmann
26. April 2023
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How we found each other? Through movement & in motion. What connects us? Our love of movement - and our way of teaching & learning movement. What makes us different? Our background in training and our focus.

Who are the trainers in the movement collective?

1. Michael Baumert (@movingmicken)

Micha has been intensively training movement for 6 years. Before he discovered his enthusiasm for movement training, his focus since his youth was on strength training. His path has taken him from classic weight lifting to calisthenics and mobility training / animal flow to movement training. He has also recently taken up breakdancing. He currently teaches the Movement Basics class every Monday. He has been a close movement student of Lesia Lumi (@leslumi) for several years. His movement training includes playful strength training, mobility training, locomotion and object manipulation (e.g. stick balancing). Besides the active part of the training, a somatic cool down such as shaking is an important part of the sessions. Micha studied computer science and vegan nutrition. When he is not training, Micha works as a self-employed software developer. Among other things, he created our website with his team.

2. Oscar Boerger (@oscar.boerger)

Oscar already started with tricking and parkour training in his youth and found his way into movement training 6 years ago. He has been leading group classes in Berlin for several years. In the last years he focused more on dynamic movement styles like tricking, parkour and breakdance. Since he finished his bachelor studies in education and philosophy, he has been working independently as a movement trainer for children and adults. A friendly atmosphere in his training is important to him and that it is fun for everyone. He likes to break down complex exercises into smaller steps, so that both beginners and advanced exercisers have a sense of achievement in their training. With us, Oscar leads the outdoor Urban Movement course in the summer. This course focuses on movement patterns found in the everyday urban environment and deals with movement training outside the gym. He also leads the Softacrobatics class in winter. In this class he teaches softacrobatic moves as well as conditioning and strengthening.

3. Clara Lohmann (@clarnastic)

Clara found her way into movement training in her early 20s. Before her practice was a mix of weightlifting, calithenics and yoga. When she moved to Berlin, she soon started to dive deeper into the movement world. Through the movement community she finally found Wudang Kung Fu and focused more and more on martial arts. Clara teaches our Movement Flow class on Fridays, alternating with Eva. Her classes include partner exercises, Qi Gong, floorwork, as well as mobility training and movement sequences. It is important to her to have an open atmosphere in the training, where a safe space is possible for all participants. This class is less about strength and more about letting go of tension. By repeating movements in a soft way, the body learns to relax into them. Clara has a Master of Science for Data Science, in the last years she has worked in Digital Content Marketing among other things. Therefore, she is responsible for Instagram and YouTube with us. In the meantime, she has fulfilled a dream and currently lives in the kung fu school XUAN in Wilmersdorf as a full-time student. Therefore, many influences from the martial arts also flow into her movement classes.

Movement Trainerin Eva

4. Eva Leemans (@eva.leemans)

Eva Leemans is a contemporary dance artist from Belgium living in Berlin. Eva began her training in contemporary dance in Belgium under the direction of Nicole Köhler. Later she graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the Northern School for Contemporary Dance in Leeds, where she continued her dance studies. Since graduating, she has worked as a performer, dancer and teacher in Europe and England. In recent years she has developed an interest in a variety of contemporary dance and improvisational practices, yoga, martial arts, and acrobatics, all of which find their way into her movement practice. As a movement and dance teacher, Eva has taught at various dance schools, at Green Yoga, and with private students. With us, Eva teaches the Movement Flow class on Fridays, alternating with Clara. She teaches movement sequences and how to find a movement flow: A flow through different moves and movements. She uses different methods to feel inner connections and to be able to express them in movement.